Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Times a wasting

Feel like procrastinating? I have two suggestions:

First, if you're using Firefox, stumble on over to Stumble Upon adds a toolbar that with a click of a button can take you to some of the coolest, funniest, and most informative sites on the web. It's simple to set up and I've already blown hours discovering new websites. Wait. You are using Firefox aren't you? If not, dump that buggy old MS Internet Explorer and try Firefox. I find it to be stable, less prone to viruses, and it had many useful extentions available for free. The only downside I've found is that some IE plugins aren't available for Firefox.

The other big time-waster is At Bookcrossing, you can trade books, give books away or try to find that obscure Hardy Boys mystery you've been searching for. No money changes hands and the site promotes people releasing books "into the wild" and tracking them with a numbered label to see where they end up. I released a couple of books at a local coffeeshop, leaving them in a likely place for someone to find. With a basement full of old books, this is an excellent way to part with some of them. There's a whole community of book nuts out there, just like me. Who knew?